
Chemical Formula: C2H4
Typical Detection Wavelength: 3.26µm
Filter Type: Narrow Bandpass (NBP)
Description: Ethylene is a common gas used in a wide variety of chemical and industrial applications, and predominantly in the manufacture of polyethylene based plastics such as PE or PET. It is colourless and has a slight noticeable odour. Ethylene is considered an asphyxiant and is flammable, therefore can lead to serious health and safety issues if left undetected.
An infrared optical filter can be successfully used for the early detection and warning of the presence of Ethylene in the atmosphere, as the C2H4 gas absorbs IR radiation at a specific wavelength with typical absorption around 3.26µm.
Example Transmission Curve:
Centre Wavelength: 3.26µm ± 0.5%
Half Bandwidth: 170nm ± 17nm
Transmission Peak: >70%
Umicore has significant experience in producing IR Filters to the highest standards for the early detection of Ethylene and many other gasses.